

篇名 医学与文学艺术:英国莱斯特大学华维克医学院新学习模块的实践与评价
並列篇名 The Arts in Medicine: Setting up a New Special Study Module at Leicester University Warwich Medical School
作者 梅人朗
中文摘要 自2000年1月开始,英国莱斯特大学华维克医学院为医学生开设了一门被称作《医学与文学艺术》的课程,其目的是通过学习文学艺术来提高学生对同健康与疾病有关的经验和情绪的知识与理解。评价表明,学生认为学习文学艺术的相关内容有助于它们专业上的发展。总结性评价也表明,大多数学生达到了预期的目标。
英文摘要 At the beginning of January 2000, the Leicester University Warwich Medical School introduced a new special study module ”The Arts in Medicine” for medical students. Its aim was to enchance student’s knowledge and understanding of people’s experience and emotions related to health and sickness through study of the arts. Evaluation demoustrated that the students considered that their propessional development had been enhanced by studying the arts. Sammmative assessment showed that the olyectives were achievable by the majority of student.
頁次 83-86
關鍵詞 教育 医学 文学艺术 本科生 Education medicine arts curriculum undergraduate CSSCI
卷期 2:5
日期 200409
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學