

篇名 必须走出后现代知识观──试论科学知识教育的作用与价值
並列篇名 An Urgency to Reject the Knowledge View of Post-modernism-A Discussion about the Function and Value of the Scientific Knowledge Education
作者 潘新民 、张薇薇
中文摘要 受后现代主义哲学思潮尤其是后现代知识观的影响,在我国新课过程中,响起了贬低科学知识教育作用与价值的声音。然而,联系我国国情以及我国教育改革的实际,只有注重科学知识教育,走出后现代知识观,才能保证新课改的顺利进行。马克思主义哲学为走出后现代主义知识观提供了总的原则和方向。
英文摘要 Influenced by the thought of post-modernism philosophy, especially the knowledge view of post-modernism, some people disparage the function and value of the scientific knowledge education in the new curriculum reform. However, given our national conditions and the reality of our educational reform, only when we pay great attention to the scientific knowledge education and reject the view of post-modernism, can the new curriculum reform carry on smoothly. the Marxist philosophy has provided the overall principle and direction for rejecting the knowledge view of post-modernism.
頁次 18-21
關鍵詞 教育研究 新课改 后现代主义知识观 科学知识教育 马克思主义哲学 Educational study New curriculum reform The knowledge view of post-modernism Scientific knowledge education The Marxist philosophy CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200608
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學