

篇名 教育的万能与无能——对完美主义教育观的批判
並列篇名 On the Omnipotence and Incompetence of Education——The Criticism of the Perfectionism Education Concept
作者 冉亚辉 、易连云
中文摘要 完美主义教育观认为学校教育能够把任何学生培养成为完美个体,使学生个体具备完美的知识和道德素养。完美主义教育观无视社会其它因素对教育的巨大制约作用,将教师能力理想化地拔高,给教育制定了一个不可能达到的理想目标,同时把实现这个目标的全部责任和义务武断地压在教育和教师的头上,最终导致了教师的不堪重负。完美主义教育观在社会中的流行,造成了社会对教育理论简单化、教育实践理想化、教育评价功利化的判定倾向。教育完美主义论客观上引起了社会对教育的高度期待,但非理性的过高期待反而导致了现实中教育实践的无能印象。完美主义教育观导致教师严重的职业挫败感,导致学校整体持续紧张,并加深了社会对教育的浮躁心理。
英文摘要 The perfectionism education view holds that any student can be fostered as perfect individual by school education; and it can make any student have perfect knowledge and morals. However, the perfectionism education view ignores the other social factors that restrict education greatly, idealizes teachers' ability, and sets an idealized target that is impossible to achieve; meanwhile, it imposes all the responsibility and obligation to achieve the target opinionatedly on education and teachers, which ultimately results in the teacher’s unbearable burden. The perfectionism education view has been popular in the society, which leads to the judgment trend of simplification of the educational theory, the idealization of the educational practice and the utilization of the educational assessment. The perfectionism education view causes the society’s high expectation on education objectively; however, the non-rational high expectation contributes to the incompetent impression of the education practice in reality. The perfectionism education view leads to the serious career frustrations of the teachers, the sustained tension of the whole school, even intensifies he fickle viewpoint of the society to education.
頁次 22-27
關鍵詞 完美主义教育观 教育实践 教育理论 教师能力 批判 The perfectionism education view Educational practice Educational theory Teacher's ability Criticism CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200706
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學