

篇名 美國公立高等教育的州政府問責制度
並列篇名 New State Accountability System for American Public Universities and Colleges
作者 王淑娟
中文摘要 问责已经成为美国教育改革的一个关键词。目前,很多州逐步形成了公立院校的州问责制,它通常由应答性和奖惩性问责政策构成。在问责活动中,被问责活动中,被问责的一方必须提供有关活动的信息,并为其正确性做出说明,这属于应答性问责行为,是弱问责的表现形式;如果其行为或解释不能令人满意的话,就会受到惩罚,这属于奖惩性问责,是一种强问责。在州问责制中,与这些手段相对应的政策工具就是绩效报告和绩效拨款。
英文摘要 Accountability is a key word in educational reform in the USA. In recent years many states have developed state accountability system for public universities and colleges. Such a system generally consists of two parts──answerability accountability(performance report)and enforcement accountability(performance budget and performance funding). Universities and colleges need to provide required information concerning the activities for which they take accountability, and explain the correctness, which belongs to answerability accountability, the representation of weak accountability. If the behavior and explanation do not satisfied, they will be punished. This is strong and enforcement accountability. In order to achieve these two kinds of accountability, the policy tools of performance report and performance funding were used.
頁次 103-107
關鍵詞 accountability system higher education institutions America 問責制 院校 美國 CSSCI
卷期 29:3
日期 200806
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學