

篇名 計劃行為理論各成份量表之設計、發展與建立-以青少年無照騎車行為之研究為例
並列篇名 Designing, Developing, and Accomplishing the Scales from the Theory of Planned Behavior-Illustration of its Application to the Adolescent Motorcyclists without License
作者 王國川(Wang,Kuo-chang)
中文摘要 计划行为理论过去曾成功的应用在健康、社会与学习行为上。然而,却很少去探讨此理论所编制出来之各成分量表在测量理论基础上之问题。由于此理论对于量表设计与计分方式都很明确,使得研究者容易忽略这些量表之测量理论基础。因此,有鉴于今天国内有很多学者纷纷应用此理论来探讨各种社会与健康行为之际,实有必要去发展并建立这些量表的测量理论基础,以提供他们在应用此理论于实际问题探讨时之参考。
英文摘要 The theory of planned behavior was successful in the application of understanding and predicting health, social and learning behaviors, but its psychometric foundation was seldom concerned. It was much so obvious for both the scale design and the scoring system that most researchers easily ignored its psychometric characteristics. Hence, it is absolutely necessary for those future applied researchers to develop and accomplish those scales based upon the theory, and it is the main purpose of this study. Those scales were designed on this theory, the standardized procedures were developed for those scales, and those psychometric characteristics were established for those scales by taking full advantage of the application of this theory to predict the behavior in the adolescent motorcyclists without license. It was found that highly reliable and valid scales were designed, developed, and accomplished exactly when the standardized procedures upon this theory were followed, the open-ended questionnaire was utilized, and the pretest was administered later. However, from the viewpoint of the psychometric foundation, those scales based upon the theory were multidimensional except the behavioral intention scale. Again, the predictive validity was higher when the perceived behavioral control beyond the influence of the past behavior played an important role in the behavior with incomplete volitional control than not.
頁次 67-91
關鍵詞 計畫行為理論 量表建立 量表發展 量表設計 青少年無照騎車 theory of planned behavior scale design scale development scale accomplishment adolescent motorcyclists without license TSSCI
卷期 43:2
日期 199810
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學