

篇名 推进中国高等教育全球化进程:国际化与多元文化的链接
並列篇名 Making Globalization Work for Chinese Higher Education by Building Bridges between Internationalization and Multiculturalism
作者 白杰瑞 、赵振洲
中文摘要 中国高等教育的迅速发展同时带来了两种现象—国际化和文化多元化,本文所要提出的问题就是如何把上述这两种在中国高校中显示出的进程衔接起来考虑。这次研究调查了三所学校,分别代表了中国少数民族学生参加高等教育所面临的三类不同选择:学校1位于呼和浩特,由自治区政府直接管辖,它也是全国唯一一所实施蒙汉双语教学的高校;学校2地处北京,由教育部管辖,生源主要为汉族学生;学校3主要由国家民委资助和管理,是一所专门面向少数民族学生的高等学府,地处湖北省武汉市。研究方法包括相关数据的文本分析、以及与学校教师、管理者、汉族和少数民族学生的访谈。研究发现,中国大学为了自身地位的提升,更愿意强调国际化,但没有认识到倡导认同少数民族的多元文化亦有助于其地位的提升。最后,本文提出大学把国际化与多元化衔接起来的应对措施。
英文摘要 The rapid expansion of higher education in China is bringing together two phenomena, internationalization and multiculturalism. This study explores the question of what Chinese universities are doing to bridge the gap between these two. Three types of higher education institution attended by minority students are selected:a university under the governance of an ethnic autonomous region, located in Inner Mongolia;a university under the Central Ministry of Education in Beijing, and a university under the Ethnic Affairs Bureau, specifically designated for nationalities, in Hubei Province. A content analysis of selected relevant documents and interviews with university academic / administrative staff, Han and ethnic minority students were carried out. Chinese universities seem more than willing to internationalize for status advancement. However, multiculturalism in the sense of recognition of ethnic minority cultures, is not viewed as bringing higher status. The implication for bridging internationalization and multiculturalism are raised.
頁次 42-56
關鍵詞 高等教育 全球化 国际化 多元文化 CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200804
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學