

篇名 研究型大学的困境与出路
並列篇名 Challenges and Opportunities of Research Institutions
作者 李明华
中文摘要 中国在争创世界一流大学的过程中,在一定程度上是以美国的研究型大学为楷模。但是,高等教育技术革命,教育工程化管理,规模经济和市场扩大使教育市场由零碎型走向集中,非研究型但却是第一流的教学型大学和营利性高等教育的竞争,使美国的研究型大学受到了严峻的挑战。对中国和国际高等教育的大趋势的分析表明,研究型大学与教学型跨国大学(公司)一体化的模式有可能使中国的若干明牌大学既发展成为一流的教学型大学,也显著地增加迈向世界一流的研究型大学的条件。
英文摘要 On their way to compete for the world first class institutions, many Chinese institutions are actually following the US research institution models. The US institutions themselves, however, have been challenged by the emerging higher education technology revolution, the shift to education engineering management, the increasing benefits from economy of scale and the transformation of fragmented education markets to relatively massive ones, the competition from non-research but education-centered institutions and the for-profit higher education organizations. Based on an analysis of the megatrends in Chinese higher education market as well as the global ones, we believe that very good opportunities exist for a few outstanding Chinese research institutions to turn into multinational world first class education universities, which will in turn prepare them to become the world first class research institutions in the near future.
頁次 26-30
關鍵詞 跨国大学 世界一流大学 研究型 教学型 教育技术 教育工程 Multinational universities world first class universities research-oriented education-centered education technology education engineering CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200407
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學