

篇名 论研究生学费与资助政策中的公平问题    ─ 兼论研究生教育的适度规模
並列篇名 Equity of Two Subjects in Tuition and Financial Aid Policies and Proper Scale of Graduate Education
作者 卢晓东
中文摘要 从伦理学公正(公平)的角度对研究生教育的深入分析表明,研究生学费与资助政策中存在着两个主体的社会公正:研究生教育的享有者和纳税人。社会分配给两个主体权利与义务不相等都是根本的社会不公正。如果仅以配置职能为主,政府财政资助的分配适用比例平等原则,基于学生未来可能贡献的比例很可能被转化为基于才能(或综合指标)的比例进行分配。如将配置职能与分配职能相结合,则应同时给予弱势群体以补偿。社会应允许个人负担全部成本接受研究生教育的权利得到实行。在对适度研究生规模的探索中,由财政经费和私人自有经费支持的研究生规模应形成互补关系,政府应注意保证由财政经费支持的研究生规模不导致过度教育而产生社会不公正和纳税人过重的税收负担。
英文摘要 The equity in tuition and financial aid policies of graduate education are of two subjects, the student and the taxpayer. The right and obligation of student should be equal, and the obligation and right of the taxpayer should be equal too. Only in such circumstances there is justice. The society should distribute the financial aid according to the proportion of future social contribution of student, and it may be translated to the proportion of merit and ability of student or multi─criterion now with some uncertainness. It is fair. People who want to pay tuition equal to full unit cost should be given opportunity. Such behavior should be recognized by society because it is favorable for all. The government must ensure that there is no over─education in graduate education caused by scale expansion which is financed by tax for it is unfair to the taxpayer. The proper scale financed fully by tax and by personal money should be complementary to each other in graduate education.
頁次 14-19
關鍵詞 公平 公正 正义 学费 资助 规模 研究生教育 equity justice fair tuition financial aid graduate education CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200507
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學