

篇名 从政治社会化看公民政治素质的培育
並列篇名 On Cultivation of Citizens’ Political Quality with View of Political Socialization
作者 书如梅
中文摘要 公民的政治素质是政治发展的必要基础和前提,但是政治素质的培育是一个非常复杂的过程。从政治社会化的角度看,所谓公民政治素质的改善和提高事实上下一个政治社会化的过程。从公民个体来,政治社会化是”合格政治人”的培养过程。对于政治文化而言,政治社会化形成并传递一个国家的政治文化。对于政治系统和政治结构而言,政治社会化又是自我再生产过程的一个有机环节。政治社会化是双向的,一方面社会成员学习政治规范,形成基本的政治取向模式;另一方面,社会成员的行为和取向又会影响到政治文化各个方面的发展变化,影响到政治系统及其运作。
英文摘要 The citizen’s political quality is a necessary foundation and premise for the development of politics, and the source to cultivate citizens’ political quality is a very complicated process. According to view of political socialization, the so called promotion and improvement of citizens’ political quality is actually a proceeding of politi8al socialization, and individually, the political socialization is a process of cultivating “a qualified political man”. With respect to political system and political structure, political socialization is also an organic link in the process of self─reproduction of political man. Political socialization is a two─way process, in which members of society fix up their basic orientation of politics by way of learning political standards, on the other hand, their political behavior and orientation also affect every aspect of political culture’s development and alternation, as well as the political system and its running.
頁次 55-58
關鍵詞 政治社会化 公民 政治素质 Political socialization citizens political quality CSSCI
卷期 3:6
日期 200511
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學