

篇名 阿根廷高等教育認證制度研究
並列篇名 On the Accreditation System of Higher Education in Argentina
作者 何孟姐
中文摘要 阿根廷作为世界上高等教育发达的发展中国家之一,从20世纪90年代开始形成了高等教育认证制度。权力下放的教育改革促使阿根廷教育评估认证系统的建立,而大学自治权、公立私立大学的发展、政府的高等教育财政制度等因素,以及这些因素背后的社会、政治、经济原因,造就了阿根廷以立法创制、行政控制、民间参与为特征的高等教育认证制度。其中,教育评估认证信息系统、私立大学的认证制度及本科项目认证制度对中国的大学评估及管理有所启发。
英文摘要 As a developing country with advanced higher education in the world, Argentina has established its higher education accreditation system since the 1990s. The decentralization oriented education reform. Promoted the formation of education evaluation and accreditation system in Argentina. What’s more, the university autonomy, the development of public and private universities, the higher education financial policies and the social, political and economic factors lying behind lead to a higher education accreditation system characterized by legislative initiative, government control and non governmental accreditation organization’s participation. The information system of education evaluation and accreditation and the accreditation system of private universities and under graduate programs could give some inspirations to the evaluation and management of universities in China.
頁次 011-016
關鍵詞 高等教育 教育認證制度 阿根廷 Higher education Education accreditation system Argentina CSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200902
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學