

篇名 社會隔離、教育成層和文化融合-基於中美兩次校園凶案事件對大學功能和理念的反思
並列篇名 Social Isolation, Educational Stratification, and Cultural Integration-Reflections on the Function and Notion of University, Based on Two Criminal Cases on American and Chinese Campuses
作者 林李楠
中文摘要 美国弗州理工大学校园枪击案引发了人们关于文化差异与族群融合的争论以及对马加爵事件的反思。从事件发生的社会结构性背景看,这两起校园凶案都反映了因贫富分化所导致的社会隔离,以及这种隔离在高等教育中的复制、传递。有鉴于此,当前以职业准备和教育成层为理念的大学教育,有必要进行积极有效的反思,实施文化融合的策略,以发掘大学在消弭社会分层消极效应上的文化潜力。
英文摘要 The Virginia Tech massacre initiated debates on cultural difference and ethnic amalgamation, and reflection upon the Ma Jia Jue incident. Both criminal cases were related to social isolation caused by the polarization between the rich and the poor, and this isolation were copied and transferred by higher education. We should rethink the functions and aims of higher education for career preparation and education stratification and adopt some cultural integration strategy, so that the university could play its role of abrogating the negative influence of social stratification.
頁次 11-15
關鍵詞 university cultural integration career preparation educational stratification social isolation 社會隔離 大學 文化融合 教育成層 職業準備 CSSCI
卷期 30:3
日期 200803
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所