

篇名 教育技术研究领域研究者派系分析与可视化研究
並列篇名 Clique Analysis and Visualization of Researchers in the Field of Educational Technology
作者 路秋丽 、傅骞 、魏顺平
中文摘要 随着教育技术学术研究的不断发展,学术交流越来越频繁,合作研究也越来越多,研究者之间相继形成了规模不一的派系。本研究采用文献计量法以及社会网络分析方法,以合着学术论文为依据来发现目前存在于教育技术研究领域的研究者派系,并通过计算不同年段的各种指针,如合着指数、合着率、密度等来发现教育技术研究领域合作研究的变化,从一个侧面揭示教育技术研究领域的发展程度,最后借助社会网络分析软件UCINET将研究者派系及其变迁可视化。研究结果表明,教育技术研究领域科研合作关系越来越密切,但还处于较低水平;科研合作类型主要为师生合作;随着研究团队的扩大,整体合作关系渐渐疏远,但开始形成小团体。
英文摘要 As the development of educational technology research, the academic communication and cooperative studies become more and more frequent. The researchers gradually form lots of cliques with different scale. In this study, the authors use bibliometric method and social network analysis method, to find researchers cliques existing in the research field of educational technology based on co─authored papers. Then the authors explore the change of cooperative study by computing some indexes such as CI, DC and density of different periods. According to data above, the authors visualize the researchers cliques and its changes with UCINET. The results show that the cooperative relations are becoming closer in the research field of educational technology but still stay in a low level; the cooperative research focuses on the cooperation between advisors and theirs’ students; the members of a research team turn estranged and small groups appears as research team.
頁次 79-85
關鍵詞 social network analysis cooperative research researchers cliques educational technology 社会网络分析 合作研究 研究者派系 教育技术 CSSCI
卷期 14:1
日期 200802
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學