

篇名 温哥华和上海的大学生谁更了解互联网
並列篇名 Who Knows More about the Internet: University Students in Vancouver or Shanghai?
作者 黄燕 、Roger Boshier 、胡媛媛 、何珂
中文摘要 温哥华和上海大学生对互联网了解多少?为研究这一问题,516位上海和566位温哥华的大学生分别完成了中英文版的《互联网知识小测验》。温哥华的大学生比上海的大学生得分平均高出20%,两地大学生使用互联网的目的也各不相同。
英文摘要 The Internet is deemed to be an essential tool for education, entertainment and daily life. Vancouver and Shanghai are both coastal cities with ambiguous relations to the centre. Each has key universities involved in teacher training with historic commitments to adult education. Both are at the forefront of Internet developments and university leaders praise the Internet and preach knowledge economy gospel. But what do Vancouver and Shanghai university students know about the Internet? Who knows more? This question was investigated by administering the Internet Quiz to 516 university students in Shanghai and 566 in Greater Vancouver. Students in Greater Vancouver completed the English and Shanghai students the Chinese version of the Internet Quiz. Vancouver students knew 20% more about the Internet than those in Shanghai and, as well, were using it for different purposes. The authors also make suggestions for change, explore aspects of Chinese student pragmatism.
頁次 46-50
關鍵詞 互联网知识 互联网知识小测验 温哥华 上海 大学生 internet internet knowledge internet Quiz vancouver and Shanghai university students CSSCI
卷期 28:9
日期 200709
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所