

篇名 用概念图解读合作学习
並列篇名 Interpreting Cooperative Learning by Concept Maps
作者 张丽萍 、王嫣
中文摘要 概念图是用于表征和揭示知识结构中的意义联系的图表,它可以帮助我们解读合作学习的本质及其历史沿革。同时,它还能清晰地展示合作学习诸多方法,如STAD(小组成绩分工法)、TGT(小组──游戏──竞赛法)、Jigsaw(切块拼接法)、LT(共学式)及GI(小组调查法)的教学模式,以增加实施的可操作性。
英文摘要 The concept map is a kind of chart which reveals the relations in the structure of knowledge. With the help of the concept map, we can interpret the true meaning and the history of cooperative learning. At the same time, it can also clearly demonstrate some ways of cooperative learning, such as Students Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD), Team-Games-Tournament (TGT), Jigsaw, Learning Together (LT), Group Investigation (GI), so that it can help us to make the teaching model more operational.
頁次 57-60
關鍵詞 概念图 合作学习 教学模式 解读 concept map cooperative learning teaching model interpret CSSCI
卷期 30:1
日期 200801
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所