

篇名 大学之用
並列篇名 The Uses of the University
作者 蒋国华
中文摘要 一定的大学理念乃是一定时代的产物。大学的社会存在在变化,大学理念也必须相时而变。未来大学将必须重新分类:一类是所谓的明牌大学,世界一流大学,其主要之用在知识贡献。另一类是所谓大众大学,其主要之用在人才支持,即培养有学识、有技能的、数量必定宏大的劳动者。今天我们研讨大学理念,关键在明白大学之用。
英文摘要 A definite idea of the university is the product of the times. As university’s social being has been changeable, its idea must be changed as time goes on. Futuristic universities must be re-classified: one is so-called brand-name university, uses of which are to contribute knowledge; another so-called mass-provider university, uses of which are provide trained personnel, namely, to train learned, skilled and numerous workers. It is the key to understand the uses of university when we discuss the ideas of university.
頁次 5-6
關鍵詞 大学理念 分类 一流大学 ideas of university classification first-rate university CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200307
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學