

篇名 美国高校的贷学金制度及其启示
並列篇名 National Loan Aid System in America and Its Enlightment
作者 王秀军
中文摘要 美国贷学金制度是对学生进行资助的重要形式之一。美国的助学贷款贷学金资金来源充足,贷款种类较多,运行程序化,偿还机制完善,形成了较成熟的体系,对于我国学生贷款制度的发展具有借凿意义。
英文摘要 The system of National loan aid to the university students is perfect in US. As one of the forms that US government funding students, it has sufficient financial sources, various ways, standard operation as well as good repay system. We can learn much from it so as to improve our system of National loan aid to the university students.
頁次 60-62
關鍵詞 贷款 贷学金 贷学金制度 Loan loan aid to students national system of loan aid to students CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200407
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學