

篇名 C.P.斯诺两种文化分裂命题的现代分析
並列篇名 The Modern Analyze of C.P. Snow’s Proposition in the Disseverance of Two Cultures
作者 徐晴
中文摘要 20世纪50年代,英国学者C.P.斯诺在《两种文化》的演讲中指出,科技与人文正被割裂为两种文化,科技和人文知识分子正在分化为两个言语不通、社会关怀和价值判断回导的群体,这必然会妨碍社会和个人的进步和发展。当前,两种文化的分裂非但没有缓解,反有愈演愈裂之势,主要表现为”科学主义”的盛行。要促成科技与人文的融合,首先应给科技一个准确的人文定位,破除对科技的盲目崇拜。在此基础上,对教育的重新审视是两者融合的希望所在。
英文摘要 In the 1950s, British scholar C.P. Snow ever pointed in the The Two Cultures, the science and the humanities are being dissevered into two kinds cultures, which are different in expression, social care and valuation, and the disseverance will in necessity hider the development of society and individual. Currently, the breakdown of communication between two cultures is not only been eased up, but also been sharpened, of which the major character is the popularity of the scientism. How to promote the amalgamation of the two cultures? The first thing is to give the science exact orientation and break the blindly praise to science. On the basis of which, renewedly scanning the education is the next approach.
頁次 76-78
關鍵詞 两种文化 分裂 现代分析 C.P.斯诺 Two cultures disseverance modern analyze C.P. Snow CSSCI
卷期 2:5
日期 200409
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學