

篇名 隔岸对唱:近二十年关于中国大陆德育讨论本土与国际焦点之对比
並列篇名 A Comparison of the Internal and International Debates over Moral Education in Mainland China during the Past Two Decades
作者 赵振洲
中文摘要 近二十年来,德育问题一直是国内教育研究讨论的焦点。与此同时,在英语为主的国际文献中,中国大陆的道德教育也得到了愈来愈多的关注。通过两种视角的分析和比较,可以聚焦出本土和国际视野中关于大陆道德教育问题争论的焦点,即:(1)德育内容上与政治意识形态的「松绑」;(2)教育方式上由单纯的「说教」、「灌输」到人本主义多元化模式的出现;(3)新主题,公民教育的兴起;(4)研究范式上的跨学科发展趋势和方法多元化。多元分析有助于折射出德育作为一门学科在近二十年内的发展轨迹。
英文摘要 Moral education has always been a focus of China's educational research during the past two decades. Meanwhile, in the international literatures mainly published in English, more and more attention is given to the moral education in Mainland China. Four themes emerge from a comparative analysis of internal and international literatures on moral education in Mainland China, including (a) the decreased political control over moral education; (b) the shift of educational approaches from only "transmitting knowledge" to the multiple modes of humanism; (c) the rise of a new theme, citizenship education; and (d) the trend of multi-disciplinary development of moral education and multiple research methods. The meta analysis can help to reflect the disciplinary development of moral education in Mainland China in the recent two decades.
頁次 57-62
關鍵詞 德育 对比 国际 本土 讨论 Moral education Comparison International Internal Debates CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200708
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學