

篇名 美英法德俄五国课程表比较
並列篇名 Comparison of Timetables of America, British, France, Germany and Russi
作者 张礼永
中文摘要 学校教育是被时钟控制的,课程表就是这种控制的表现。我国现行课程中,课程表是学校惟一有权自主决定和安排的,然而限于传统的视野,即使在实行新课程改革的今日,许多学校往往意识不到课程表的价值。然而当我们把目光转向国外的学校时,却发现这个“螺狮壳”中还是有许多“道场”可做的。本文从课程编制、教与学的组织及课程中的时间安排这三个角度,对五国的课程改革进行分析,希望能为我国的改革提供一些借鉴。
英文摘要 School teachers and students organize their activities according to the school timetable. Under the curriculum system of China, only timetable could be decided by the school itself. However limited by traditional thoughts schools have no awareness of the importance of timetable. ft has also been neglected by many scholars of China. In fact school timetables could make much difference to curriculum. This paper compares curriculums between America, British, France, Germany and Russia in curriculum organization, patterns of teaching and learning, time schedule of curriculum by timetables. It is expected that this comparison could inspire our educational reform to some extent.
頁次 50-55
關鍵詞 timetable time schedule of curriculum patterns for teaching and learning types of curriculum 课程表 时间安排 课程编制 教学组织 CSSCI
卷期 30:6
日期 200806
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所