

篇名 三位一体:对大学与政府和社会关系实质的认识
並列篇名 Trinity:The Essential Comprehension to the Relationship among the University, the Government and the Society
作者 董云川
中文摘要 大学与政府和社会之间的关系是一种客观存在,无论人们从哪种角度去认识,它本身并没有什么不同。其间的差异仅仅是观察者的出发点不同,解析方法不同罢了。笔者认为,”三位一体”是表述三者之间关系状态相对准确和比较恰当的概念。这一认识基点有助于找到调适三者之间关系的有效途径,并引导现实改革促成各得其所、共生共荣的关系格局。
英文摘要 The relationship among the university, the government and the society is impersonally in existence. No matter from which angle one gets to comprehend it, it is always the same per ser. The only difference lies in the observers’ standpoints and the analytical methods. The author believes that “trinity” is the relatively exact and proper concept to express the relationship among the three factors. This comprehensive base point can be of great benefit to find the effective avenue of adapting the relationship of the three, as well as lead to the practical reform that promotes the relation structure of the three in their proper places, their co─existence and their co─prosperity.
頁次 6-9
關鍵詞 三位一体 大学 政府 社会 关系系统 Trinity university government society relation system CSSCI
卷期 1:6
日期 200311
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學