

篇名 “封堵高考移民”现象的法理分析
並列篇名 The Legal Analysis on the Phenomenon of Blocking the Emigrants of the National Examination
作者 戴云
中文摘要 “高考移民”是现代社会中的一个特殊人群,各地纷纷出台相关政策封堵”高考移民”。但一味的”封堵”并不能从根本上解决问题,所以必须转变思路、从完善法规、加强立法、发挥司法作用着手。从法理分析角度质疑”封堵”,提出解决”高考移民”现象法律规制的三个途径:一是完善宪法,使教育平等权在宪法中得到确认;二是加快国家立法步伐;三是发挥司法机关在监督行政和保护考生权利方面的作用。
英文摘要 “The emigrants of the national examination ” is a special group in the modern society. Recently, many districts put forward the policies to prevent such emigration. However, the issues can’t be solved only through restraint, we must change the way of thinking, from improving the constitution, strengthening the lawmaking, exerting judicial function. We suggest three ways to solve the issue of “emigrants of the national examination”. Firstly, ensure every examinee to have the equal right to get the confirmation in the constitution by improving the constitution. Secondly, make the steps in the building up the laws more quickly. Thirdly, strengthen the function of the judicial government in supervising the administration and protecting the right of examinees.
頁次 60-64
關鍵詞 封堵 高考移民 法理分析 Block the emigrants of the national examination the legal analysis CSSCI
卷期 3:5
日期 200509
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學