

篇名 体现数学评价多元化的重要方式──数学日记述评
並列篇名 An Important Way That Embodies Mathematics Multi-assessment-A Review on Mathematics Journal
作者 綦春霞
中文摘要 数学评价改革的心是由单一的评价方式转向多元的评价方式。作为体现数学多元评价方式之一的数学日记,日益受到理论和实践的关注。本文阐述了数学日记在对于学生进行数学交流、数学思考、数学情感以及学生个性发展方面的价值;指出了基于数学课程三维目标下的数学日记内容以及如何在教学中实施并进行恰当地评价。
英文摘要 The core of mathematics assessment reform is to change the way of assessment from mono-assessment to multi-assessment. As one of the ways that embody mathematics multi-assessment. mathematics journal is paid more and more attention to in theories and practices. This paper illustrates the value of mathematics journal in students’ mathematics communication, thinking, feeling, attitude and the development of their personality. the author fingers out the contents of mathematics journal bases on the three-dimensional mathematics curriculum goals, and how to implement and assess mathematics journal.
頁次 50-57
關鍵詞 教育评价 数学日记 数学表达 数学学习评价 Educational assessment Mathematics journal Mathematics expression Assessment of mathematics learning CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200608
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學