

篇名 学术自由的缘起、变迁与挑战
並列篇名 Origin, Evolution and Challenges of Academic Freedom in Western Universities
作者 王建华
中文摘要 现代以降,学术自由成为西方大学发展的金科玉律。但在现代性的”尾迹”中,今天学术自由的命运值得三思。其一,作为现代性的成年,在后现代性视野中,伴随着真理观的逐渐多元化以及学术研究中道德探究的兴起,价值不再中立,源于近代大学的学术自由理念面临挑战。其二,面对现代性逻辑诱惑感与压制的双重策略,今天西方国家的大学里学术自由面临”温水煮青蛙”的可能。其三,在民族国家的框架下,当科学已成为国家事业,当小科学为大科学所取代,在各类科学规划与基金资助的控制下,学者个体的学术自由面临着组织化的困境,洪堡模式的学术自由逐渐有被架空的危险。
英文摘要 Since modern times, academic freedom has become the golden rule for university development. However, in modernity’s wake, the fate of academic freedom should be thought prudently. Firstly, in the post-modern perspective, accompanied by the gradual diversification of truth inquiry and the rise of moral research, value is no longer neutral. Thus the concept of academic freedom, which originated from the modern university, is faced with challenge. Secondly, up against the dual-tactic of the modernistic logic temptation and suppress, academic freedom faces the possibility of “warm boiled frog”. Thirdly, in the framework of the nation-state, science becomes a national cause; the generalized science replaces the narrow science. Under the control of various scientific planning and fund, individual’s academic authority get into the plight of systematization. The classical connotation of academic freedom, which framed with “gambling relations”, faces the danger of gradual sidelined freedom, which framed with “gambling relations”, faces the danger of gradual sidelined.
頁次 18-27
關鍵詞 crisis modernity academic freedom 危机 现代性 学术自由 CSSCI
卷期 29:4
日期 200808
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學