

篇名 社会转型期的高校师德建设:问题与对策
並列篇名 The Construction of University Teachers’ Moral during the Social Transition
作者 贾摰
中文摘要 近年来,高校十分重视教师队伍的建设,然而师德建设工作还存在许多不适应的方面和薄弱环节。本文从教师道德的历史积淀与时代需求以及令人堪忧的师德建设状况着手,找出影响师德建设的因素,提出了促进高校教师师德建设的变革策略,既要不断唤起和激发教师内心的道德自律,也要着力构建有利于师德持续发展的机制,把时代对师德的要求转化为教师内在的、长久的自觉行为
英文摘要 In recent years both colleges and universities have paid much attention to the construction of teacher teams. However, there are many weak points in the building of teacher morals. This paper tries to find out those factors affecting the construction of teacher morality, and puts forward some measures to promote the construction of teacher morals in colleges and universities.
頁次 33-37
關鍵詞 problem and solution construction of teacher morality China’s university and college period of social transition 社会转型期 问题与对策 师德建设 中国高校 CSSCI
卷期 20:5
日期 200809
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心