

篇名 高等学校课程:回归和完善生命
並列篇名 The Higher Educational Institution’s Curriculum:A Return to and Perfection of Life
作者 母小勇 、刘红 、靳艳芬
中文摘要 生命以自由、幸福和善为终极目的,在体验、创造和超越的生命冲动的驱使下,完成”自组织”,走向自主和自由。现代社会追求科技理性,片面理解科学、导致传统高等学校课程科学主义化,文化和科学被异化为学科,产生了忽视学习者生命体验的学科本位高校课程,被异化了的文化和科学教育醉心于完备的学科体系,优美的符号界定和凌驾于生命之上的控制技术。因此,必须构建关怀生命绵延和呵护生命冲动的高等学校课程,让大学生”走进”人类先驱的生命活动和精神世界,获得生命体验并产生创造的生命冲动,翠解人类知识的生命要义。
英文摘要 Life regards freedom, happiness and goodness at its ultimate aims. Prompted by vital impulse, self─organization of experience, creativity and transcendence, life goes towards independence and freedom. Modern society is in pursuit of sci─tech rationality and meanwhile takes a one─sides approach to science. These factors result in a scientific “doctrine” of traditional university curriculum, and alienation of culture and science, and an emergence of discipline─standard university curriculum. The alienated education of culture and science is wrapped up in a complete disciplinary system. It is necessary to construct a kind of university curriculum system by which we can take care of vital duration and vital impulse so that university students can “enter” the spiritual world of human forerunners, bring about creative vital impulse, and understand the gist of human knowledge.
頁次 1-7
關鍵詞 vital impulse duration life university curriculum 生命 生命冲动 绵延 高等学校课程 CSSCI
卷期 19:5
日期 200709
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心