

篇名 「學習」不同於「教育」:從正發生的個別化經驗與「學習」的原初性格說起
並列篇名 Back to the Original “Newness-Directed” Character of Learning: Breaking Learning from Education in the Individualization of Learning
作者 蘇雅慧
中文摘要 「學習」長期以來被視為值得去談論的理想形式往往含有教育性。即學習被視為重要,過去不是因其本身的意義,而是因與教育的意義連結;教育文獻提及「學習」二字,關聯指涉的常是「教育」情景。然而,鑑於學習因當代個別化(individualization)的影響,與教育之性格區分漸顯趨勢,本文旨在重新思考學習不與教育連結的原初性格。本文指出,學習的原初性格必是關於人牽涉於「新」事物中,而教育必是關於「善」。因個別化現象使得學習之原本性格可以回復的角度來看,學習或許不應再被簡單想成是一個人受了教育。在個別化的思維下,終身學習者對有關學習的決定,可以無須跟隨依附任何倡導善的說法,或可以根本無關乎善。在個別化趨勢下,終身學習者個人的意義,藉由學習,由自己經驗認定。
英文摘要 Learning has traditionally been taken as educating as its ideal form. It has been considered significant not because of its inherent importance but because of its enmeshment within a set of educational concerns. It turns out that the mention of learning conjures up educational scenes–learning to be good. However, the problem of learning and education being seen as synonymous in general education field becomes manifest in ‘lifelong learning’ or ‘lifelong education’ area. The paper points out that in contemporary times, under the influence of the individualization of learning, it starts to be made explicit that learning is something that education is not. Learning is not dictated by the good; it is centrally and fundamentally newness-directed instead. That one’s involvement in newness is the hallmark of learning is emphasized in this paper.
頁次 43-69
關鍵詞 individu-alization of learning individualization lifelong education lifelong learning 學習個別化 個別化 終身教育 終身學習 學習
卷期 11
日期 200812
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等