

篇名 日本国立大学的讲座制及其发展
並列篇名 The Academic Chair System of Japanese National Universities
作者 吴培群
中文摘要 日本国立大学主要实行讲座制,作为其基层学术组织形式的”讲座”是”烟筒式”结构,而且讲座存在年龄和学术上的周期现象。讲座制在日本发挥其巨大优势的同时也是导致教师流动性低,学术近亲繁殖现象严重。进入21世纪,新大学设置基准中已删除了大学所用的具体学术组织形式的规定,这使讲座制在国立大学的市场有可能缩小,但另一方面,日本的科技强国战略和讲座制本身在科学研究和培养精英人才方面的优势又会使讲座制在日本重点国立大学中得到加强。
英文摘要 Academic Chair System is implemented in most Japanese national universities, which is the most basic academic organizational unit. Japanese Academic Chair System is “chimney ” structure. The existence of the age and academic cyclical phenomenon of this system leads to low mobility of teachers and serious academic inbreeding in Japanese universities. The new standards for university in the 21st century have deleted the stipulation about specific academic form used in university. Therefore the use of Chair system in the university may be reduced. But on the other hand, the strategy of science and technology and the Chair System of Japan have the advantage in scientific research and training of talents. This will causes the Chair System to be strengthened in the major Japanese national universities.
頁次 42-46
關鍵詞 Professional title Structure academic Cycle the chimney structure Academic Chair System 职称结构 学术周期 烟筒式结构 讲座 讲座制 CSSCI
卷期 30:12
日期 200812
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所