

篇名 大學甄選入學制度之潛在課程探究
並列篇名 Research on The Hidden Curriculum Learned from The Recommendation and Screening System of Higher Education Entrance Exam
作者 王逸慧(Wang, I-huei)
中文摘要 本文探討某一所高中之學生從甄選入學制度所學到的負面潛在課程,研究方法採焦點團體訪談,所得結論為:一、智育成績才是致勝關鍵;二、沒有錢等於輸在起跑點;三、階級化的學校分級;四、利益(功利)導向之校系抉擇;五、現實取向之學習心態;六、為達目的可不擇手段之造假價值觀;七、身為考生即可享有特權;八、錄取名校始屬為校爭光;九、競爭的同儕關係;十、「只要上榜其餘可談」之不公義規準;十一、要為秩序不佳負責之罪惡感;十二、投機與逢迎之應試技巧;十三、表面功夫的營造比實質內涵更重要與十四、特重英文之語言偏好。文末對教育行政機構、大學校系與高中學校提出建議,以做為制度修訂或升學輔導施為之參考。本文探討某一所高中之學生從甄選入學制度所學到的負面潛在課程,研究方法採焦點團體訪談,所得結論為:一、智育成績才是致勝關鍵;二、沒有錢等於輸在起跑點;三、階級化的學校分級;四、利益(功利)導向之校系抉擇;五、現實取向之學習心態;六、為達目的可不擇手段之造假價值觀;七、身為考生即可享有特權;八、錄取名校始屬為校爭光;九、競爭的同儕關係;十、「只要上榜其餘可談」之不公義規準;十一、要為秩序不佳負責之罪惡感;十二、投機與逢迎之應試技巧;十三、表面功夫的營造比實質內涵更重要與十四、特重英文之語言偏好。文末對教育行政機構、大學校系與高中學校提出建議,以做為制度修訂或升學輔導施為之參考。
英文摘要 This paper is probing into the hidden curriculum the students have learned from the Recommendation and Screening System of Higher Education Entrance Exam. To understand the mechanism behind the function of the Recommendation and Screening system, focus group interviews were conducted. The conclusions derived are as follows: 1.only academic achievement being deemed to be the key to success; 2.the poor students being disadvantaged in this system; 3.the schools being classified; 4.the students’ choices of universities and departments being interest-oriented; 5.the students’ attitude towards study being guided by practical concerns; 6.there emerging the pretentious values that the goal can be achieved even by fair means or foul; 7.one who is preparing for the exam having privileges; 8.the students being seen as winning honor when they are accepted by the famous universities; 9.peer relationship becoming competitive; 10.there emerging the unjust value that everything can be negotiated as long as one is accepted into a university; 11. there emerging the sense of guilt for the disorder in the classroom; 12.the students having acquired the fawning skills and attitudes towards the entrance examination; 13.the appearance preceding the essence; 14. the poor English being disadvantaged in this system.In the concluding paragraphs, attempts are made to provide some advices for the ministry of education, the departments of universities, and the senior high schools about the revision of the policies of the entrance system and the counseling of students entering university.
頁次 39-81
關鍵詞 大學甄選入學 潛在課程 多元入學方案 Recommendation and screening system Hidden curriculum Multiple enrollment program TSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200712
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會