

篇名 论转型社会中受高等教育权的特权属性──基于社会分层与高等教育互动关系的分析
並列篇名 Privilege Attribute of the Right to Higher Education in Transitional Society──An Interaction between Social Stratification and Higher Education
作者 朱家德
中文摘要 社会地位生成机制研究表明,社会分层与高等教育之间存在互动关系。本文从社会分层影响高等教育的视角来审视受高等教育权,在我国改革开放以来的转型社会中,受高等教育机会的数量与质量的阶层分布显着差异证明受高等教育机会权的特权属性;高校毕业生的就业率、升学率以及起薪的阶层差异也证明受高等教育成功权的特权属性。高等教育强化社会分层,进而强化受高等教育权的特权属性。受高等教育权在社会分层过程中失去了调节器的作用,成为加剧社会分层的助推器。目前的奖励性高考加分政策也强化了受高等教育的特权属性。高校毕业生的就业困境以及司法实践也要求把就业权纳入受高等教育权范围。
英文摘要 Research has shown that there is an interactional relationship between social status and higher education. This study examines the right to higher education through an analysis of how social stratification affects higher education. Viewing China as a transitional society since the Reform and Open─door, the study has drawn the following findings:as two main indications of the privilege attribute of the right to higher education, there are significant disparities in the distribution of quality and quantity of higher education opportunities, and in the graduates’ employment rate, academic progress rate, and beginning salary of the graduates across social strata. Therefore, the main conclusion is:higher education strengthens social stratification, then strengthens the privilege attribute of the right to higher education;hence this right functions not as a mitigator, but as a booster to stratification. Currently, the additional score policy in the national entrance examination to university and college also has also strengthened the privilege group’s opportunities to higher education. The employment difficulty of the graduates and its related judicial practice also calls for the right to work to be included into the right to higher education.
頁次 22-27
關鍵詞 privilege attribute social stratification society transitional society right to higher education 特权属性 社会分层 转型社会 受高等教育权 CSSCI
卷期 30:1
日期 200902
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學