

篇名 教学效率的影响因素与对策:基于博弈理论的分析
並列篇名 An Analysis of Factors and Strategies of Teaching ─ Learning Process:Based on Game Theory
作者 孟祥林
中文摘要 教学过程是在教师的指导下以学生为主体的学习过程,由于学科性质不同以及学生对不同学科的重视程度不同致使授课效果存在显著差别。非良性教学效果的形成固然有教师的原因,但学生的责任也必须充分重视。实际上教学过程是师生间的一个博奕,教师会根据学生的反应而进行投入产出比较,学生不配合教师授课程的情形下教师会减少教学投入,学生应该对恶性博奕结果的形成负有较大的责任。教师是教学过程的主导,改变这种教学状态的重任应该由教师承担:通过探索多种教学策略达到教学效率提高的目的。
英文摘要 Teaching─learning (TL)is a process in which students are the main body under teacher guiding. The TL efficiency is much different because of different characteristics of subjects and student attitudes toward subjects. Poor efficiency is caused by various factors including not only the quality of instructors but also the contribution of students. In fact, TL process is just like a game, instructors will adjust the investment─product in accordance with student feedback. A bad feedback of students can reduce instructors’ investment. Therefore, students should take part of responsibility for it. Anyway, teacher is the guider during the TL process, teacher should take the burden to change the situation and explore different TL methods to improve TL efficiency.
頁次 31-35
關鍵詞 影响因素 对策 博奕 教学过程 impacting factors strategies game theory teaching─learning process CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200705
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學