

篇名 改革開放三十年來工程教育比較研究回顧與思考
並列篇名 30 Years of Research in Foreign Engineering Education in China since the Open Door: Review and Reflection
作者 李曼麗
中文摘要 本文就我国改革开放三十年来国内学者对国外工程教育的研究成果进行总结和探讨(仅就大陆地区),力争总结学界对国外工程教育研究取得的成绩,并以此为例,申说以往学界在工程教育研究上的得与失,以求对思考如何深化我国工程教育研究和改革有所助益。
英文摘要 As engineering education plays a critical role in national economic development, China has long paid close attention to the development of engineering education by the mainland researchers over the past 30 years since the Open Door. The study aims to presents the achievement and also evaluates the strengths and weakness in this research area. It is hoped that this study will serve as a reference to higher education research and reform in China today.
頁次 59-66
關鍵詞 review and reflection research in foreign engineering education the Open Door 回顧與思考 國外工程教育研究 改革開放三十年 CSSCI
卷期 29:3
日期 200806
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學