

篇名 檔案評量在高職英文戲劇教學運用之個案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Application of Portfolio Assessment to English Drama Teaching in a Vocational School
作者 柳雅梅
中文摘要 受限於高職學生英文程度欠佳、授課時數少、聯考試題趨向傳統文法和字彙試題,因此,高職英文教師多半仍以文法翻譯教學法為主。在本研究中,教師即研究者,嘗試以英文戲劇教學搭配檔案評量賦予教學生命力,目的在於了解檔案評量如何運用在高職英文戲劇教學,及其對學生的影響和對教學的啟示。研究者藉著觀察紀錄、訪談、問卷調查和學生的個人檔案內容以蒐集資料,期盼獲得更深入了解。研究結果發現檔案評量確實能協助英文戲劇教學之進行,促使學生主動學習,培養其反省和思考能力,並協助教師更客觀了解學生之學習情形。
英文摘要 Limited by vocational students' poor English ability, small number of English classes and subjection to traditional tests, most vocational school English teachers are forced to use the traditional grammar-translation method. The purpose of this study is to show how English drama teaching combined with portfolio assessment in a vocational school influenced learning and teaching. The data have been collected from classroom observation, interviews, questionnaires and student portfolios in order to arrive at the deepest possible understanding. The results show that portfolio assessment did reinforce the classroom teaching of drama, help the students develop their ability to think and reflect, and allow the teacher to achieve a better understanding of the students' learning process.
頁次 159-174
關鍵詞 高職英文戲劇教學 檔案評量 個案研究 drama teaching portfolio assessment case study TSSCI
卷期 47:2
日期 200210
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學