

篇名 從美澳餐旅教育發展模式反思台灣餐旅教育之發展
並列篇名 The Development of Taiwan's Hospitality Education from the Hospitality Education Models in the U. S. and Australia
作者 洪久賢
中文摘要 本研究旨在比較分析美國、澳洲與我國的餐旅教育範疇、變遷與發展趨勢,餐旅課程之發展模式、發展趨勢、發展歷程與實施,藉由美澳餐旅教育發展模式,反思我國餐旅教育發展之方向。本研究採理論與文獻分析法,配合赴美澳實地參訪深入了解實況。本研究提出對台灣餐旅教育發展應有之省思:1.提高國際競爭力,以因應未來的餐旅市場需求,2.審慎定位與釐定培育目標,3.課程規劃需符合需求與時代脈動,核心課程標準化、專業課程多元化;並注重餐旅課程一貫化銜接;4.聯盟合作:透過教學、研究、產業的策略性合作關係,加強建立餐旅學群、跨系、跨校甚至跨國合作的課程規劃,以及產學合作,創造有助於學生培養國際觀與專業能力,豐富且具彈性的有利學習環境;5.加強餐旅研究:因應餐旅的特質,發展科際整合的研究社群,進行整合型研究,結合餐旅學術與實務經驗,建構健全的餐旅理論基礎,邁向領導產業新趨勢。透過嚴謹的餐旅教育研究,以掌握時代脈動,形成前瞻性的餐旅教育改革政策,強化教育研究與教育政策之結合。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were:(1) to analyze and compare different categories of hospitality education, to analyze the transformational or developmental trends in hospitality education and the development and implementation of the curricular model of hospitality education in the United States, Australia and Taiwan;(2) to reflect on and propose recommendations for the development of Taiwan's hospitality education. In this study the following methods were used: theoretical analysis, document analysis and the visiting of schools. Our recommendations for the development of hospitality education in Taiwan were: (1) increased international competitiveness to meet future hospitality market demand;(2) formulating of goals for hospitality education in Taiwan; (3) curriculum planning to satisfy needs and accord with current trends, along with standardization of core curricula, diversification of professional courses and interconnection among hospitality courses;(4) Strategic cooperation among teachers, researchers, schools, industries and nations in order to facilitate hospitality curriculum planning in the schools and create a better learning environment, one with the resources and flexibility to develop students' international perspectives and professional capabilities; (5) the combination of academic theory and practical experience by the interdisciplinary research community, and the promotion of hospitality research in order to build a solid theoretical foundation for hospitality pedagogy as well as the hospitality industry.
頁次 125-150
關鍵詞 餐旅教育 餐旅 課程 比較教育 Hospitality education hospitality curriculum development comparative education TSSCI
卷期 48:2
日期 200310
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學