

篇名 西方國家宗教與公共教育關係的政策模式探析
並列篇名 Several Policy Models about the Relationship between Religion and Public Education in Western Countries
作者 滕志妍
中文摘要 西方国家在其教育世俗化的过程中,由于历史和现实因素的影响,对宗教与公共教育关系的处理采取了不同的政策,从而形成了有代表性的四种模式:以法国为代表的激进的排斥模式、以美国为代表的温和的分离模式、以英国为代表的积极的包容模式和以德国为代表的协调的伙伴模式。对于西方国家在长期历史中形成的应对这一问题的有益经验,我们应以科学的态度加以研究、学习和吸收。
英文摘要 Due to historical and practical factors, Western countries adopted different policies for the relationship between religion and public education during the process of secularization, thus four representative modes have been formed. They are the radical mode of rejection represented by France, the moderate pattern of separation represented by the United States, the positive model of tolerance represented by the United Kingdom and the coordinated model of partnership represented by Germany. We should study, learn and absorb the useful experience of Western countries in dealing with the issue in the long-term history in a scientific attitude.
頁次 17-21
關鍵詞 Models of policy relationship Public education Religion Western countries 政策模式 關係 公共教育 宗教 西方國家 CSSCI
卷期 31:1
日期 200901
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所