

篇名 國中生家庭階級影響偏差行為模式之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Influence of Junior High School Students' Family Class on Deviant Behavior
作者 黃芳銘 、楊金寶
中文摘要 本研究主要針對台北縣國中三年級學生的家庭背景進行調查分析,以了解族群以及社會階級等因素,對國中生偏差行為的影響及其中介機制發展的探討,企圖建立一個家庭階級對偏差行為影響的整合模式。並將此一整合模式以結構方程模式的統計技術來加以檢驗。在模式通過適配檢定的標準後,發現家庭階級對偏差行為有顯著的影響,而這些影響皆是透過中介機制而形成的。其影響的路線共有四條如下:垰「家庭階級」->「家庭控制結構」->「偏差行為」。埖「家庭階級」->「家庭控制結構」->「學校控制」->「偏差行為」。塰「家庭階級」->「經濟的教育投資」->「學校控制」->「偏差行為」。墹「家庭階級」->「文化資本」->「偏差行為」。
英文摘要 This research focuses on the effects of ethnicity and social class on the deviant behavior of middle (or junior high) school students in Taiwan. In order to theorize and construct a model for the effect of ethnicity and social class, as well as some intermediate factors, on the subjects' deviant behavior, the family backgrounds of a number of ninth-grade students in Taipei County were first analyzed. Structural equation modeling was used to examine this model. The results show that a student's family class is statistically significant in affecting his or her deviant behavior. However, the impact of family class on deviant behavior is always mediated by intermediate factors. There are four paths through which family class affects deviant behavior:垰Family Class -> Family Control Structure -> Deviant Behavior埖Family Class -> Family Control Structure -> School Control -> Deviant Behavior塰Family Class -> Economic Investment in Education -> School Control -> Deviant Behavior墹Family Class -> Cultural Capital -> Deviant Behavior.
頁次 203-230
關鍵詞 家庭階級 結構方程模式 偏差行為 文化資本 family class structural equation modeling cultural capital deviant behavior TSSCI
卷期 47:2
日期 200210
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學