

篇名 溫德爾.拜瑞的鄉村教育哲學
並列篇名 The Rural Educational Philosophy of Wendell Berry
作者 徐湘荷 、譚春芳
中文摘要 面对日益城市化和工业化的乡村学校,温德尔.拜瑞倡导以本土为中心的乡村教育哲学。拜瑞认为,乡村教育的目的应该是增进个体的幸福,为社区和生态体系谋福祉;乡村学校的首要任务是发展学生的判断力,建立民主化的乡村社区;而乡村教育目的和任务的达成需要自由课程和本土化知识的支撑。本文通过梳理拜瑞的乡村教育哲学,以期对我国的农村教育改革有所启迪。
英文摘要 In the context that rural schools facing increasing urbanization and industrialization, Berry advocates that rural educational philosophy should return to local focus. He maintains that the purpose of rural education should foster the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and ecological systems, and the primary task of rural schools must be reoriented towards an emphasis on the cultivation of students’ judgment and to construct democratic rural community. According to Berry, these aims should be achieved through liberal curriculum incorporating local knowledge and concerns. The paper explores rural educational philosophy of Wendell Berry so as to enlighten us on our rural educational reform.
頁次 13-16
關鍵詞 local focus rural educational philosophy Wendell Berry 本土中心 鄉村教育哲學 拜瑞 CSSCI
卷期 31:1
日期 200901
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所