

篇名 肯尼亚高等学校科研与产业的联系
並列篇名 The Link between Research in Higher Education Institutions and Industries in Kenya
作者 万秀兰
中文摘要 肯尼亚高等学校的科研受国家整体发展水平,特别是经济发展水平的限制,在科研的组织、队伍建设、物质条件,特别是与产业联系等方面都面临深重的危机,因此试图通过加强与产业联系缓解自己的困境。这类尝试取得了一些效果,但目前还存在渉及政府、高等学校和企业各方面从认识到实践的很多问题。由此,肯尼亚各界提出了一些关于三方相关责任和作用的建议和对策。这些建议和对策尽管对当前肯尼亚的问题有针对性,但还缺乏更长远、更系统的思考。
英文摘要 As in most other countries in Africa, limited by overall national development level, especially the economic level, the research in colleges and universities in Kenya has been facing deeper crisis in such aspects as its organization, personnel construction, physical conditions, and its linkage with industries. Since Kenyan government cannot provide great investment into the research in higher education institutions, they try to solve the problem through building links with industries. But there still remain some perception and practical problems in developing the linkage on the parts of Government, colleges and enterprises. Therefore some pertinent suggestions and counter measures have been put forward by different sectors.
頁次 8-13
關鍵詞 linkage between colleges and industries Kenya crisis of research in colleges 高校与产业的联系 高校科研危机 肯尼亚 CSSCI
卷期 30:11
日期 200811
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所