

篇名 The Kaleidoscope Effect of Linguistic Diversity in Subtitle Translation: Taking Translation of Seven Days in Heaven as Example
並列篇名 交錯效應對多重語言之字幕翻譯的影響—以國片<父後七日>為例
作者 陳昱璇(Chen,Nina Yu Hsuan) 、方柏婷(Fang,Grace Po-Ting)
中文摘要 由於語言與文化的差異,台灣電影較偏向非主流的電影。但自從2008 年國片< 海角七號>放映後,國片因而復甦且在國際上大放異彩,多重語言 (中、法、台、英) 字幕翻譯之研究也因此漸漸被重視。不同語言彼此之間的文化差異及不同語言結構 勢必為翻譯策略帶來極大的影響,如何將此影響質化及量化以提高翻譯之果效為本 文探討之重點。字幕翻譯旨在跨越文化與語言的橋樑。台灣的多重語言社會現象也 成為新興的研究方向,語言混雜、俗語研究、台灣諺語、雙關語及歌曲著實給影視 翻譯者相當的挑戰。本研究以國片<父後七日>為例,欲探討英語字幕翻譯之功效並 討論在字幕翻譯當中遇到的困難以及不可譯性。根據先前研究,字幕翻譯之所以困 難是因為受限於時間與空間的限制。本篇主要以韋努第(Venuti)的歸化異化策略來探 究英語字幕應如何發揮到傳遞訊息的最佳方式。字幕翻譯是否為班雅明(Benjamin) 所提電影的再生? 另外,哪種翻譯策略比較能夠達到溝通功效? 改寫、譯者的隱形 性和原文的再生皆為本論文欲討論之相關議題。
英文摘要 Based on linguistic and cultural references, Taiwanese films are often categorized as non-canonic ones. With the flourishing of Cape No.7 which is released in 2008, Taiwanese films have started reaching international audiences, and the subtitles between multi-linguistic Taiwanese and English have thus become particularly important. In Taiwan, the multilingualism can no longer be ignored. The code-mixing, colloquialism, idioms, cultural-related puns pose the challenge to audiovisual translators, along with certain restrictions which operate in subtitling. Translation has always moved, and will continue to move, between systematization and contingency, between theorization and practice, between faithfulness and creativity. The relevance of kaleidoscope effect to subtitle translation depends on how we treat and define translation. Through this research, we hope to redefine subtitle translation as a creative activity.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how English subtitles cater the need of the minority language - Taiwanese. Taking Seven Days in Heaven as a case study, this paper will examine the effects of English subtitles on Taiwanese film, and discuss the difficulties associated with culture-related untranslatability in translation. Due to the time and space, subtitle translation is a triggering problem (Díaz, 2007; Egoyan & Balfour, 2004; Gambier, 1997; Gottlieb, 1994; Yang, 2008). The translation of subtitle attempts inevitably to bridge the cultural and linguistic gaps. Seeing from this perspective, domestification and foreignization will be further explored, while searching for the solutions to subtitle translation with the cultural bound topics. The domestification is suggested to help the audience comprehend the movie immediately.
頁次 143-157
關鍵詞 影視翻譯 國片 電影字幕 翻譯策略 audiovisual translation Taiwanese film film subtitling translation strategies
卷期 12:2
日期 201407
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學