

篇名 臺灣閩南語與西班牙加泰隆尼亞自治區Catalan語發展脈絡比較
並列篇名 Comparing Contexts of Taiwanese Development in Taiwan and That of Catalan in Catalonia of Spain
作者 許銘裕
中文摘要 由於早期語言規劃偏重國語,臺灣母語目前的發展趨勢令研究者感到憂心。臺灣島上不同族群的方言,如閩南語、客家語及原住民語,雖然在正式課程中設科進行教學,但學習成效不彰,加上學校課程以國語為主,使得各族群母語人口不斷萎縮。相對於臺灣母語發展的窘境,西班牙的加泰隆尼亞自治區的母語發展卻呈現了不一樣的面貌。在加泰隆尼亞地區所使用的方言Catalan語,儘管也曾因為不當的語言規劃而產生語言存續危機,卻在地方政府及人民努力下,方言正逐漸回復生機當中。本文以貝瑞岱(Bereday)的比較理論對兩地母語發展脈絡進行探討,比較兩地發展上的差異,經比較後發現兩地語言發展差異源於語言權、認同及書寫系統上的差異。本文進一步提出解釋,敘明產生差異的原因,期望比較結果提供本土語言發展作為參考。
英文摘要 Due to an inadequate implementation of language planning, Taiwan's native languages are in crisis. The number of speakers of native languages, including Taiwanese, Hakka and aboriginal dialects, is decreasing. Although formal teaching of these native languages has been implemented in elementary schools, the learning outcomes suggest they are a waste of effort. Compared with the situation in Taiwan, the status of Catalan, the native language of the autonomous region of Catalonia in Spain, seems to demonstrate an entirely different situation. Catalan has also at times faced possible extinction over the last two centuries. However, through the efforts of the government and local citizens, Catalan seems to have been revived. To gain a better understanding of the Catalonians' successful revival of their native language, this article employs Bereday's methodology in analyzing contexts associated with native language status in both Taiwan and Catalonia. It is hoped that this research will provide a better understanding of the Catalonian government's success in ensuring the survival of its native language. Through exploring the context of the successful protection of Catalan, it finds that local contextual features can strongly influence the survival of native languages.
頁次 093-121
關鍵詞 母語教育 西班牙 語言權 native languages Spain language rights
卷期 72
日期 201205
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會