

篇名 高中公民與社會課程綱要之和平教育內涵與議題的分析
並列篇名 A research of analyzing peace education underlying Civics and Society curriculum guidelines at senior high school level
作者 莊易霖(Chuang,Yi-Lin)
中文摘要 本研究採取質量並進的內容分析法,針對九十五年與九十九年起實施的兩部高中公民與社會課程綱要,檢視其明示或隱含的和平教育內涵與議題。研究結果與建議歸納如下:一、量化次數偏重積極和平的呈現,且以「論述/消弭結構性的政治權力不平等或壓迫」最常出現在論述中,以「認識/防止暴力性的犯罪」最少。二、但量化數據的多寡,不等同於與和平教育所需內涵與議題實質相符程度的高低。發現與說明如下列所示:(一)課綱中富含的文化、政治、法學、經濟各專業領域知識性的概念與原則,應轉化為可深究與善用的素材。(二)課綱應提供平台讓學生從全方位視角,以認識和平與暴力議題。包括非主流群體與觀點的多元呈現,以防止霸權思維的複製。以及,為預防失衡報導的二次傷害,弱勢群體的發聲也應避免消極地僅放在問題的架構下陳述。並且,藉由介紹造成壓迫的結構性的成因,以引導學生理解特別維護政策的必要性。三、針對廣泛且難以捉摸的和平教育範圍,本研究整合的內容分析架構為重要框架,再搭配課綱各單元進行議題融入,有助於和平教育更具系統化的教學實踐。
英文摘要 This study is the first research to construct a category framework for analyzing peace education underlying Civics and Society curriculum guidelines at senior high school level. The curriculum guidelines analyzed in this study were published in 2006 and 2010. The content analysis method is applied to investigate, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the following questions: How are peace and violence issues described and discussed in the curriculum guidelines? What kind of related issues is presented in the curriculum guidelines? This study drew the following conclusions: 1. Civics and Society curriculum guidelines overemphasize positive peace. The issues of how to prevent political inequality is mentioned most in the curriculum guidelines. 2. However, peace and violence issues are discussed in fragmented and superficial ways and related issues are not systematically and thoroughly examined. 3. The curriculum guidelines also describe explicitly and implicitly stereotypes and biases based on the dominant society or countries, which lead to structural violence. On the other hands, the voices and experiences of minority groups should be included in the curriculum guidelines.
頁次 001-062
關鍵詞 和平教育 公民與社會課程綱要 內容分析 peace education Civics and Society content analysis
卷期 25
日期 201406
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所