

篇名 練習中譯英口譯有無輕省有效的門道?
並列篇名 Is There an Easy and Effective Way for Practicing Chinese-to-English Interpreting?
作者 張鳳蘭(Chang, Feng-Lan A.)
中文摘要 中譯英口譯是個嚴峻的挑戰,在沒有英語母語人士的協助下,如何提升英文譯文的水準是好些台灣口譯所學生共同的困擾。本文旨在探討利用雙語雜誌中母語人士的譯文讓學生練習語言重組(language restructuring)並留意詞語搭配是否能改善其英文譯文,減少中式英語,並減輕練習中譯英的心理負擔。初步結果顯示(一)經過語言重組和詞語搭配練習,受試者第二次譯文中的詞語搭配增加了。(二)經過語言重組練習之後,母語人士覺得受試者新的譯文有所改善。(三)所有受試者均在問卷中表示語言重組練習可以增強他們中譯英自我練習的動機。受試者也肯定光華雜誌口語化的文章是值得推薦的中譯英練習材料。
英文摘要 Chinese-to-English interpreting is a tall order. How to polish one’s English rendition without the assistance of a native speaker contends many interpreting trainees in Taiwan. By adopting the restructuring approach as a teaching method, this study attempted to examine whether reference translation of native speakers in bilingual magazines is conducive to eliminating trainees’ Chinglish, improving their output and minimizing their psychological burden during practice. Initial results showed (1) With restructuring and collocation learning, the number of collocations increased in the subjects’ second trial of English output. (2) After restructuring, new renditions sounded improved to native English speakers. (3) All participants expressed in the questionnaire that restructuring could encourage their self-motivated practice of Chinese-to-English interpreting. They also acknowledged the effectiveness of using colloquial articles in the Taiwan Panorama Magazine as practice materials. Outcomes of this preliminary study suggest the approach adopted in the study provides a means to boost the willingness of trainees to confront the formidable challenge of Chinese-to-English interpreting. Further investigation of a bigger sample is warranted.
頁次 119-148
關鍵詞 中譯英口譯 語言重組 中式英語 詞語搭配 Chinese-to-English interpreting language restructuring Chinglish collocation
卷期 8
日期 201201
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學