

篇名 中国社会现代化进程和城市现代化水平与中国人群体人格变化模式
並列篇名 Social Development and the Changes of Chinese People's Personalities
作者 周明洁 、张建新
中文摘要 再利用本土化的人格工具CPAI,对中国社会现代化发展时间进程和城市现代化水平差异与中国人群体人格特征模式之间的关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明,中国人的群体人格特征正在随着社会发展而成现出相应的变化,表现为更为多元化、个性张扬、人际关系的束缚在减弱。当然,现代化进程的时间和空间特征对人格变化的影响可能存在差异性。因此,在研究社会发展与人格间关系时,应该同时关注社会变迁的时间与空间两个维度。研究显示,随着中国社会的发展,具有开放性、多样性人格特征的新一代中国人正在形成过程中,他们反过来也会对中国的现代化进程产生影响。
英文摘要 The present study is aimed at exploring the relationship between the social transformation and personality changes of Chinese people by using so-called indigenous personality measurement of CPAI (Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory). Two sets of CPAI data collected in a 10 year interval were analyzed. At the same time, the CPAI-2 data was analyzed in terms of modernization level of various cities from which the data were collected. It was found in the study that Chinese personality traits do have some changes with the development of social transformation and with the level of modernization. Chinese people tend to be more individualized and open-minded. Besides, the results of the study also suggest that anyone who wants to study the relationship of social change and personality, he must consider both development status and level of modernization of participants' residence.
頁次 203-210
關鍵詞 社会发展 人格 CPAI 现代化进程 现代化水平 城市综合实力 social transformation personality change CPAI modernization level overall city strength
卷期 15:2
日期 200703
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所