

篇名 啟聰學校高中職學生手語敘事與故事寫作能力之探討
並列篇名 The Performances of Students with Hearing Impairment on Sign Language Narratives and Story Writing
作者 楊雅惠 、林寶貴
中文摘要 本研究探討聽障學生的手語敘事與故事寫作能力的表現情形,選取啟聰學校高中(職)一年級至三年級學生,排除多障的學生,有效樣本共為31名學生,男生22人,女生9人為研究對象。研究工具採用企鵝家族卡通影片收集語料,以避免語文因素對聽障學生的干擾。聽障學生在看完影帶後以手語敘事並錄影,錄影後寫下故事的內容。以量化分析手語敘事語料的故事結構要素,即在故事的背景、起始事件、內在反應、行動和結果方面的表現情形;另一方面探討聽障學生故事寫作發展的水準分布情形,以及了解手語敘事與故事寫作能力之相關。結果發現如下:(一)聽障學生的手語敘事有故事結構的能力。(二)故事寫作發展的水準方面,以層次三「焦點鏈」的人數最多;其次為層次四「完整的敘述」。寫作層次越高者,所寫出的總字數、詞數皆多於層次低者(三)手語敘事與故事寫作能力的相關為.70,達到中度相關的程度。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the performances of students with hearing impairment on sigh language narratives and story writing. Subjects in this study included 31 high school students of the Taipei School for Students with Hearing Impairment. There were 22 males and 9 females. Subjects were shown cartoon videos. Then, they were asked to use sign language to tell the stories which were video taped. Last, they were asked to write down the stories. Students' performances on sigh language narratives were analyzed using quantitative methods. Qualitative analyses were also conducted in order to investigate students' story writing abilities. Results showed that students with hearing impairment were able to construct the stories grammar using sign language narratives. The analysis also indicated that students with high level writing skills using more vocabularies than students with low level writing skills. In addition, the results indicated that the cor relation between sign language narratives and story writing was .70. Implications for instruction and suggestions for future research were provided.
頁次 029-054
關鍵詞 聽覺障礙 手語 敘事 故事寫作 故事結構法 students with hearing impairment sign language narrative story writing stories grammar
卷期 14
日期 200506
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系