

篇名 視覺障礙者工作職類研究
並列篇名 The Study of Current and Future Occupations of Individuals with Visual Impairments
作者 李永昌
中文摘要 本研究的主要目的在了解視覺障礙者的工作職類,研究方法採量的調查及質的訪談並行方式。共有373名視覺障礙者接受調查及50名企業界人士、重建機構、視障團體代表及就業輔導員、啟明學校教師、傑出視覺障礙人士及其家人、及專家學者接受訪談。研究結果顯示,目前國內視覺障礙者的工作類別計有57類,其中弱視者的職類有57類,全盲者則有24類。教育程度越高者,其工作職類也較具專業性;教育程度越低者,則較偏向操作性或勞力性質的職類。在發展視覺障礙者的工作職類必須注意到視覺障礙者的意願、個別差異問題、該職類的就業機會、工作安全性、職務再設計、及科技輔具的開發與配合。另研究結果也分別呈現弱視及全盲視覺障礙者的工作職類,並提出具體建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was, on one hand, to investigate current occupations of individuals with visual impairments. On the other hand, it was to develop occupations for visually impaired individuals. Phone interview and personal interview were used for data collection in this study. Data was collected from 373 over-18-year-old individuals whose vision is impaired and who have a handicap certification, and 50 others including employers, representatives of organizations, special education teachers, individuals with visual impairments and their families, and scholars. The results of the study were divided into two parts. The first part dealt with the current occupation of visually impaired individuals. There were 57 categories of jobs that individuals with visual impairments were engaged in. In the second section, considerations when developing occupation and appropriate occupations for those who were blind, and low-vision individuals were discussed. Finally, suggestions were raised for both education and labor administration organizations.
頁次 055-074
關鍵詞 視覺障礙者 工作職類 visual impairments occupation
卷期 11
日期 2003
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系