

篇名 图词干扰范式下的语义效应
並列篇名 Semantic Effect in the Picture-Word Interference Paradigm
作者 方燕红 、张积家
中文摘要 图-词干扰范式下存在着语义干扰效应(semantic interference effects,SIE)。研究发现,在图-词干扰范式下,语义干扰词对图片命名或者起干扰作用,或者起促进作用。产生这两种截然不同的语义效应的机制很复杂。主要有两种假说:(1)词汇选择竞争说:认为当干扰词和目标图画有语义关联时,干扰词和目标图画所对应的概念表征相互激活,从而造成语义干扰,词汇节点要通过竞争才能得到选择。(2)相对范畴水平说:认为决定语义效应及效应大小的关键因素是干扰词和目标词之间的范畴水平,如果干扰词和目标图画处在同一范畴的相同水平,则产生语义干扰;如果干扰词和目标图画处在同一范畴的不同水平,则产生语义促进。文章回顾了已有的研究及各种假说的争论,并对未来研究进行了展望。
英文摘要 Semantic interference effect(SIE)in the picture-word interference paradigm is commonly interpreted as support of the assumption of lexical selection by competition. Two contrasting polarities of semantic contextual effect are observed in picture-word interference paradigm: semantic interference or semantic facilitation. Many factors attribute to these two results and the assumption of lexical selection by competition and comparative level of categorization are the main two theories. The model of selection by competition assumes that the concepts represented by semantic-related distractors and target picture will interactivate and lead to semantic interference ,and lexical nodes compete for selection; The assumption of comparative level of categorization assume that the crucial factor in determining semantic effect and its magnitude is the comparative levels of categorization between distractors and the target pictures .If they are from the same level of the same category , SIE will arise; If they are from the different level of the same category, semantic facilitation will arise. This paper gives a revision of present studies and points out the research direction in the future.
頁次 781-787
關鍵詞 图-词干扰范式 语义效应 语义干扰 语义促进 picture-word interference paradigm semantic effect semantic interference semantic facilitation
卷期 15:5
日期 200709
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所