

篇名 媒介前導組織對台灣國小學童聽力之影響
並列篇名 Video-mediated Advance Organizers as Facilitators for Greater Listening and Recall
作者 謝翔琳(Hsieh, Hsiang-lin) 、莊琍玲(Chuang, Li-ling)
中文摘要 影片被視為是訓練聽力的一種有效方法。為了讓影片教學達到最佳效果,前導組織的運用能讓聽者在聽的過程中主動地參與,進而提昇理解程度。前導組織具有使學習者能以要領概念進而吸收同化新概念的功用,在習得新知識前,如能先將新知中的主要概念呈現出來,使之與學習者既有的知識基礎概念相結合,將有助於強化學生思考能力的教學歷程,以使學習者能獲得有意義的學習。本研究目的在探討影片教學輔以前導組織對台灣國小學童聽解能力的影響。本研究的實驗對象為51位國小五年級的學童。實驗組接受影片教學輔以前導組織,即問題討論及單字教學,而控制組接受影片教學,但沒有前導組織做為輔助。本研究實驗對象接受12 週的教學活動,每週一次,每次40 分鐘。為了得知兩組聽力理解能力的表現差異,採用獨立樣本T 檢定及配對T 檢定來做聽力前測、六個影片教學立即後測、及聽力後測的量化分析。此外,實驗組填寫態度問卷,藉此了解實驗對象對影片教學輔以這兩種前導組織的態度為何。研究結果顯示實驗組在六次立即後測的成績明顯高於控制組,表示前導組織能夠幫助國小學童理解影片的內容。另外,實驗組在聽力後測的表現明顯優於控制組,這表示前導組織的介入能夠使影片教學更有效地提昇台灣國小學童的聽力。再者,兩組在聽力表現上皆有顯著的進步,証實影片教學在訓練聽力上確有成效。本研究証實前導組織能使影片教學發揮效用,有效地幫助台灣國小學童提昇聽解力。而態度問卷的結果也顯示學童對於影片教學輔以問題討論與單字教學抱持著正面的態度。
英文摘要 Video has been viewed as a valuable tool for developing listening comprehension.Listening with video media can be a motivational tool in teaching English listening in theclassroom. There are limitations of human cognitive structure, however. With moreinformation available that learners could absorb from the video, it has been pointed outthat there are problems which might arise with human learning mechanism due tocognitive overload. This study purports to facilitate listening effects from videoinstruction through advance organizers. Organizing the information prior to materialspresentation helps the learners integrate new materials into their existing cognitivestructure, making better connection between the old and the new information that canenhance learning effects. 51 fifth-graders participated in the study. The teachingprocedures involve students of the experimental group receiving video instruction withadvance organizers of pre-questioning and vocabulary preview, whereas the students inthe control group received video instruction without advance organizers. After 12 weeksof instruction, the results showed that the experimental group performed significantlybetter than the control group in the posttests and the listening proficiency tests.Furthermore, the survey that the students completed at the end of the interventionindicated that a positive attitude was held toward video instruction with advanceorganizers, indicating that advance organizer instruction impacted learning and wereeffective for enhancing the students’ comprehension and their listening proficiency.
頁次 031-047
關鍵詞 前導組織 聽解力 影片教學 advance organizer video instruction cognitive overload listening comprehension
卷期 7
日期 201007
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學