

篇名 初中教师合作存在的问题及对策研究-以重庆市北碚区四所初中为例
並列篇名 Study on the Existing Problems and Countermeasures Of Teacher Cooperation: A Case Study on Four Junior Middle School in Beibei District
作者 孙赫
中文摘要 随着新课程改革的不断深化,教师合作已经成为人们关注的焦点。合作不仅是新课程顺利实施的手段,更是教师自身专业发展的重要途径。目前关于教师合作还没有形成一个较为全面的理论体系;而在实际的教学实践中,教师合作存在着诸多问题,比如合作形式单一、内容固定,合作中教师主体性的缺失等。出现这些问题的原因是复杂的、多方面的。本文以重庆市北碚区的四所初中为例,通过实地调查,分析教师合作现存的主要问题;并根据问题存在的原因,提出有针对性的改进对策;认为从教师的合作意识、学校的合作氛围、学校的管理体制等方面入手,丰富合作内容和形式,使教师真正积极主动地参与到合作中,能够取得最好的合作效果。
英文摘要 With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, teacher cooperation has become the focus of attention. Cooperation is not only a means for the smooth implementation of the new curriculum, but also an important way for teachers' professional development. Currently there has not been a comprehensive theoretical system on teacher cooperation, but in actual teaching practice, there are many problems in teacher cooperation, such as single form, fixed content, and lack of teachers' subjectivity and so on. The causes of these problems are complex and multifaceted. This paper, with four junior middle schools in Beibei District of Chongquing as an example, analyzed co-existing major problems of teacher cooperation through field investigation; put forward improvement strategies in accordance with the causes; and believed that best results can be achieved when teachers participated in cooperation actively through enriching the content and form of cooperation in the aspect of teachers' sense of cooperation, school's cooperative atmosphere, and school management system, and so on.
頁次 099-104
關鍵詞 基础教育 初中教师 合作 basic education junior middle school teachers cooperation
卷期 8:5
日期 201110
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學