

篇名 孔子授业要义
並列篇名 The Main Idea of Confucius Teaching
作者 陈桂生
中文摘要 孔子授业到底是怎幺一回事,今人自然难以尽知。惟从《论语》传递的信息中,可大致窥其线索。《论语》表明,孔子师门业已形成,实施“君子之教”。它有别于一般伦理道德之教,而属于以礼乐为核心的价值观念的“君子儒”之教。其授业过程为:为力行而学,因学而教。从而在授业文化源头上显示中西授业取向的区别。
英文摘要 Now it's difficult to completely understand Confucius teaching. However, we can generally comprehend its clues from what was expressed in The Analects of Confucius. The Analects of Confucius suggested that the situation that Confucius instructed his students had been formed, and Confucius teaching was to make the students gentlemen. It was different from the general ethical and moral education, and belonged to “Confucian gentleman” which placed the ritual as the core values of education. The teaching process is as follows: learn to do, and teach to learn. Thus this shows the difference of teaching orientation between Chinese and Western in the source of teaching cultures.
頁次 030-034
關鍵詞 孔子 《论语》 授业 君子 Confucius The Analects of Confucius teaching The Gentleman
卷期 8:3
日期 201106
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學