

篇名 金钱对幸福感的影响及其心理机制
並列篇名 The Effects of Money on Subjective Well─being and Their Psychological Mechanism
作者 李静 、郭永玉
中文摘要 传统经济学家认为,更多的收入会导致更高的幸福水平。心理学家在这个问题上则显得谨慎一些,他们从多个方面考察了金钱与幸福感之间的关系,并从中得出了一些引人深思的结论。研究表明,金钱能够通过人格、目标、动机、社会比较、适应与压力等中介变量对幸福感产生影响。未来研究应该在研究对象和方法上加以改进,在心理机制方面进行更深入的探讨。此外,本土化研究在我国有着重要的现实意义,有待于加强。
英文摘要 Traditional economists suggest that more income will lead to greater well─being, while psychologists are more cautious on this question. They investigated the relationship between money and subjective well─being in many ways, and have drawn some think conclusions. Studies have shown that money ahs effects on subjective well─being through such mediate variables as personality, goals, motives, social comparison, adoption and stress. Future studies should improve on the research subjects and methods, and be more conducted on the psychological mechanism. What’s more, more studies based on the Chinese culture are needed as they have important practical meaning in China.
頁次 974-980
關鍵詞 金钱 psychological mechanism subjective well─being money 心理机制 幸福感
卷期 15:6
日期 200711
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所