

篇名 癌症病人生命意義與靈性關懷之探討
並列篇名 On the Meanings in Life and Spiritual Caring of Cancer Patients
作者 張淑美(Chang, Sue-May) 、陳慧姿(Chen, Hui-Tzu)
中文摘要 近幾年來,國人罹患癌症的比率逐年增加,癌症病人面對其實存的生命意義與靈性需求為何?值得關懷。根據許多論據指出,癌症的病因和身心靈的不協調很有關係。身處在人際社會越來越疏離的現代人,究竟該如何重新省思生命的意義,調整與周遭人、事、物、境的關係與態度,著實是需要好好修煉的功課。我們認為癌症的根源其實和身心靈問題,極有關聯;死亡是實存的結束,也是每個人都必須對的課題與挑戰,包括自己的與他人的。透過面對死亡、省思生命終極意義與價值的問題,是解決更深刻靈性問題的究竟之道。這對於協助癌症病人重新面對生命,尋找心靈康復之道,甚為重要;「目前」是健康狀況的人,更應該在活著、健康的時候,就深省、準備自己靈性生命的資糧。本文認為積極地面對生死的問題,就是要重視平時的生命教育與生死關懷的涵養與作為。綜合上述,本文將分析癌症的身心靈病因、探討癌症病人的心理歷程與相關問題之關懷、癌症病人生命意義的探討,闡述癌症病人的靈性需求與靈性關懷。我們認為死亡雖是存在的終結,但善終才是生命的目標,應加強平時的生命教育,希望吾人都能善生善終,了然生命的意義與價值。
英文摘要 While more people get cancer every year, the study of how cancer patients should evaluate the meaning of their remaining lives as well as their spiritual needs has become an essential subject.Living in the modern society, every one is busy; and, the fast living pace ahs departed people from their friends and families. Based upon many researches, we are led to believe that cancer and the unbalance between physical and spiritual life are tightly related. Subsequently, it is our belief that, to help a cancer patient to survive, it is very critical to assist the patient to recognize the value of his life and discover a path to rebuild his spiritual faith.Yet, although it is important for a cancer patient to learn how to deal with the natural destination, death, we believe people should start thinking the value of their life and understanding the meaning of the life when they are healthy.This paper is going to discuss about the topics of meanings in life and spiritual needs of cancer patients. Death is not only the end of a life; however, through education and caring,
頁次 1-20
關鍵詞 癌症病人 生命意義 靈性 關懷 Cancer patient Meanings in life Spirituality Caring
卷期 7
日期 200612
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等